Discord from browser
Discord from browser

discord from browser

On the off-chance you happen to come across a bug in the browser app that’s in need of squishing, we’d love your help in continuing to make the browser app the best it can be! Hop on over to our Discord Testers server and let us know if you see anything fishy…or crawly. If you can open Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Safari on it, you can use Discord. No matter where Discord goes from here, or what sorts of snazzy new devices are released in the future, Discord will always be available to use in your browser of choice, no matter what sort of operating system it runs. Joining a voice channel while intentionally muted no longer shows that we can’t hear any input from you.This means your web browser will stop saying it has access to your devices when it hasn’t actually been using them for a while. After leaving a voice channel, microphone and camera access will be properly restored to the rest of your system.You’ll no longer speak into the abyss until someone notices you haven’t been talking since you joined. Joining a voice channel for the first time will automatically try to unmute and get the proper device permissions.In addition to the currently-supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, we recently implemented proper support for Safari! Along with keeping up with all the latest major features such as Server Video, we also squashed a handful of voice-related bugs, including: We’ve also been expanding the number of browsers we support. Using a public computer? Be sure to sign out when you’re done, or use an incognito browser tab so you don’t have to worry about signing out once you close the window. With newer features such as QR Code Login, you can sign into the web app in the blink of an eye, and save your precious phone battery for more important uses.

Discord from browser